Birthdays – Cake Calendar

Privacy Policy


This privacy policy outlines how your personal data is handled in Birthdays – Cake Calendar for iOS.

Last updated: 2023-06-29

Data Collection and Usage

We do not collect, use, store, or have access to any personal information or settings in Birthdays – Cake Calendar for iOS. Your individual settings are stored locally on your device and are not transmitted to us or any third-party services.

Data Security

We understand the importance of data security. Since our app doesn’t collect or store personal information or settings, your data remains on your device and is not transmitted to us or any third-party services. We rely on the security measures provided by Apple’s platform to protect your data. However, please be aware that no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is 100% secure.

User Rights

As a user of Birthdays – Cake Calendar for iOS, you have the right to access, correct, and delete any data stored on your device. You can manage your data within the app’s settings. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us using the information provided below.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding your personal data or this privacy policy, please contact us at

Data Breach Notification

While the likelihood of a data breach is minimal due to the nature of our app, we are committed to notifying our users promptly if a data breach occurs that may impact any personal information. We will take immediate action to mitigate any potential risks and inform affected users accordingly.

Please note that this privacy policy is subject to change. The latest version of the privacy policy can always be found on this page. Any updates to the privacy policy will be effective immediately upon posting the revised version. We recommend checking this page periodically for any changes.

By continuing to use the app, you agree to any updates or changes made to this privacy policy.

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